Policing oneself *

Steve Giasson. Performance invisible n° 174 (Être son propre flic). D’après Thomas Hesterberg. Kommune 1. 1967. Performeur : Steve Giasson. Crédit photographique : Martin Vinette. Retouches photographiques : Daniel Roy. AXENÉO7, Gatineau. 4 novembre 2019.

Steve Giasson. Performance invisible n° 174 (Être son propre flic). D’après Thomas Hesterberg. Kommune 1. 1967. Performeur : Steve Giasson. Crédit photographique : Martin Vinette. Retouches photographiques : Daniel Roy. AXENÉO7, Gatineau. 4 novembre 2019.

"I think that what I blame books for, in general, is that they are not free. One can see it in the writing: they are fabricated, organized, regulated; one could say they conform. A function of the revision that the writer often wants to impose on himself. At that moment, the writer becomes his own cop. By being concerned with good form, in other words the most banal form, the clearest and most inoffensive. There are still dead generations that produce prim books. Even young people: charming books, without extension, without darkness." - Marguerite Duras. 1998. Writing. Translated from the French by Mark Polizzotti. Northampton, MA: Brookline Books/Lumen Editions, p. 18.